Amharic (አማርኛ)

travel photo for inspiring language students
Simien Mountains, Kingdom Of Gondar. Photo by Rod Waddington, CC BY-SA 2.0


Why learn Amharic?

You can communicate in Amharic. Knowing Amharic provides a competitive edge in career choices Skills like problem solving, dealing with abstract concepts, are increased when you study Amharic. Studying Amharic offers a sense of the past: culturally and linguistically.

Amharic is the second-most commonly spoken Semitic language in the world, after Arabic. It is an --- language spoken by about 30 million Amhara people and is used as a lingua franca across Ethiopia and by groups in Eritrea, Canada and the US. It is spoken as a first language by the Amharas and as a lingua franca by other populations residing in major cities and towns of Ethiopia. Amharic is often learnt as a second language by Rastafarians, who consider it a sacred language.

How Long Does it Take to Learn Amharic?

Amharic is rated as a category 3 language by the Foreign Service Institute. It is considered moderately difficult for English speakers to learn and takes an average of 44 weeks (or 1100 class hours) to gain professional working proficiency.

Amharic Alphabet & Pronunciation

Amharic is written left-to-right using a system that grew out of the Ge'ez script. It is an abugida: Each character represents a consonant+vowel sequence. The basic shape of each character is determined by the consonant, which is modified for the vowel.



































Basic Phrases in Amharic

Helloሰላም (selami)
Goodbyeበህና ሁን (behina huni)
Yesአዎ (āwo)
Noአይ (āyi)
Excuse meይቅርታ (yik’irita)
Pleaseአባክሽን (ābakishini)
Thank youአመሰግናለሁ (āmeseginalehu)
You are welcomeምንም አይደለም (minimi āyidelemi)
Do you speak englishእንግሊዝኛ ይናገራሉ? (inigilīzinya yinageralu?)
Do you understandይገባሃል? (yigebahali?)
I understandገባኝ (gebanyi)
I do not understandአልገባኝም (āligebanyimi)
How are youእንዴት ነህ? (inidēti nehi?)
Fine thanksደህና ይመስገን! (dehina yimesigeni!)
What is your nameስምህ ማን ይባላል? (simihi mani yibalali?)
My name isስሜ ነው (simē newi)
Pleased to meet youስላገኘሁህ ደስ ብሎኛል (silagenyehuhi desi bilonyali)

Amharic Grammar

Amharic Nouns

Manሰው (sewi)
Womanሴት (sēti)
Boyወንድ ልጅ (wenidi liji)
Girlሴት ልጅ (sēti liji)
Catድመት (dimeti)
Dogውሻ (wisha)
Fishዓሳ (‘asa)
Waterውሃ (wiha)
Milkወተት (weteti)
Eggእንቁላል (inik’ulali)
Houseቤት (bēti)
Flowerአበባ (ābeba)
Treeዛፍ (zafi)
Shirtሸሚዝ (shemīzi)
Pantsሱሪ (surī)

Amharic Adjectives

Colors in Amharic

Blackጥቁር (t’ik’uri)
Whiteነጭ (nech’i)
Redቀይ (k’eyi)
Orangeብርቱካናማ (biritukanama)
Yellowቢጫ (bīch’a)
Greenአረንጓዴ (ārenigwadē)
Blueሰማያዊ (semayawī)
Purpleሐምራዊ (ḥāmirawī)
Pinkሐምራዊ (ḥāmirawī)
Grayግራጫ (girach’a)
Brownብናማ (binama)

Numbers in Amharic

Zeroዜሮ (zēro)
Oneአንድ (ānidi)
Twoሁለት (huleti)
Threeሶስት (sositi)
Fourአራት (ārati)
Fiveአምስት (āmisiti)
Sixስድስት (sidisiti)
Sevenሰባት (sebati)
Eightስምንት (siminiti)
Nineዘጠኝ (zet’enyi)
Tenአለኝ (ālenyi)
Elevenአሥራ አንድ (āšira ānidi)
Twelveአስራ ሁለት (āsira huleti)
Twentyሃያ (haya)
Thirtyሰላሳ (selasa)
Fortyአርባ (āriba)
Fiftyሃምሳ (hamisa)
Sixtyስልሳ (silisa)
Seventyሰባ (seba)
Eightyሰማንያ (semaniya)
Ninetyዘጠና (zet’ena)
Hundredመቶ (meto)
Thousandሺህ (shīhi)

Amharic Verbs

To beመ ሆ ን (me ho ni)
To haveመያዝ (meyazi)
To wantመፈለግ (mefelegi)
To needከ .... ፍላጎት (ke .... filagoti)
To helpለመርዳት (lemeridati)
To goመሄድ (mehēdi)
To comeለመምጣት (lememit’ati)
To eatመብላት (mebilati)
To drinkመጠጣት (met’et’ati)
To speakመናገር (menageri)

Building Simple Sentences

More Complex Amharic Sentences

Andእና (ina)
Orወይም (weyimi)
Butግን (gini)
Becauseምክንያቱም (mikiniyatumi)
Withጋር (gari)
Alsoደግሞ (degimo)
Howeverሆኖም (honomi)
Neitherአይደለም (āyidelemi)
Norወይም (weyimi)
Ifከሆነ (kehone)
Thenከዚያ (kezīya)

Useful Amharic Vocabulary

Amharic Questions

Whoማን (mani)
Whatምንድን (minidini)
Whenመቼ (mechē)
Whereየት (yeti)
Whyለምን (lemini)
Howእንዴት (inidēti)
How manyስንት (siniti)
How muchስንት (siniti)

Days of the Week in Amharic

Mondayሰኞ (senyo)
Tuesdayማክሰኞ (makisenyo)
Wednesdayእሮብ (irobi)
Thursdayሐሙስ (ḥāmusi)
Fridayአርብ (āribi)
Saturdayቅዳሜ (k’idamē)
Sundayእሁድ (ihudi)
Yesterdayትናንት (tinaniti)
Todayዛሬ (zarē)
Tomorrowነገ (nege)

Months in Amharic

Januaryጥር (t’iri)
Februaryየካቲት (yekatīti)
Marchመጋቢት (megabīti)
Aprilኤፕሪል (ēpirīli)
Mayግንቦት (giniboti)
Juneሰኔ (senē)
Julyሀምሌ (hāmilē)
Augustነሐሴ (neḥāsē)
Septemberመስከረም (mesikeremi)
Octoberጥቅምት (t’ik’imiti)
Novemberህዳር (hidari)
Decemberታህሳስ (tahisasi)

Seasons in Amharic

Winterክረምት (kiremiti)
Springፀደይ (t͟s’edeyi)
Summerክረምት (kiremiti)
Autumnበልግ (beligi)

Telling Time in Amharic

What time is itስንት ሰዓት ነው? (siniti se‘ati newi?)
Hoursሰዓታት (se‘atati)
Minutesደቂቃዎች (dek’īk’awochi)
Secondsሰከንዶች (sekenidochi)
O clockሰዓት (se‘ati)
Halfግማሽ (gimashi)
Quarter pastሩብ አለፈ (rubi ālefe)
Beforeከዚህ በፊት (kezīhi befīti)
Afterበኋላ (beḫwala)