Pashto (پښتو)

travel phpto to inspire Pashto language study
Buzkashi is the national sport in Afghanistan where matches draw thousands of fans. 'Playing Kokpar' by Franz Roubaud, Public Domain


Pashto, an Indo-Iranian language primarily spoken in Afghanistan and Pakistan, stands out for its rich historical and cultural significance. One of the most interesting aspects of Pashto is its use of a modified Arabic script, which accommodates its phonetic requirements through additional characters. The language is known for its complex phonology, which includes a series of guttural sounds and a variety of consonant clusters that are not found in many other languages. This unique phonetic system makes Pashto both challenging and fascinating for linguists and language enthusiasts.

Pashto is spoken by the Pashtun people, who form the largest ethnic group in Afghanistan and a significant population in Pakistan, particularly in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan provinces. The language is a key element of Pashtun identity and is deeply intertwined with their cultural practices, traditions, and literature. Pashto poetry, particularly the works of classical poets like Khushal Khan Khattak and Rahman Baba, is renowned for its expressive depth and has played a crucial role in preserving the language and culture through centuries of upheaval. Learning Pashto provides a window into the vibrant and resilient culture of the Pashtuns and offers deeper insights into the historical and geopolitical dynamics of the region.

Why Learn Pashto?

Learning Pashto offers numerous benefits across cultural, professional, and personal domains. Here are some key advantages:

  • Cultural Understanding
    • Cultural Enrichment: Pashto provides direct access to the rich cultural heritage of the Pashtun people, including their poetry, music, and folklore. Understanding the language allows for a deeper appreciation of works by renowned Pashto poets like Khushal Khan Khattak and Rahman Baba.
    • Historical Insight: Learning Pashto offers insights into the history and traditions of the Pashtun people, who have played a significant role in the history of Afghanistan and the broader South Asian region.
  • Professional Opportunities
    • International Relations: For professionals working in international organizations, NGOs, or diplomacy, knowledge of Pashto can be valuable for engaging with local communities, governments, and understanding regional dynamics in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
    • Business and Trade: Proficiency in Pashto can enhance business opportunities and facilitate trade relations within Pashtun-speaking regions, particularly in sectors such as trade, construction, and agriculture.
  • Personal Growth
    • Cognitive Benefits: Learning a new language improves cognitive functions, enhances memory, and boosts problem-solving skills. Pashto, with its unique phonetic system and grammar, provides a stimulating mental exercise.
    • Language Diversity: Adding Pashto to your linguistic repertoire enhances your understanding of the Indo-Iranian language family and the broader diversity of human languages.
  • Social and Community Engagement
    • Connection with Locals: Speaking Pashto enables deeper connections with native speakers, fostering a sense of community and mutual respect. This is particularly valuable for anyone living in or frequently visiting Pashtun-speaking regions.
    • Cultural Exchange: Knowledge of Pashto facilitates cultural exchange and dialogue, promoting greater understanding and appreciation between different cultural groups.
  • Travel and Living Abroad
    • Travel: Learning Pashto makes traveling in Pashtun-speaking regions of Afghanistan and Pakistan more enjoyable and immersive, allowing for more meaningful interactions with locals and a deeper appreciation of their culture and landscapes.
    • Living in Pashtun Communities: For expatriates or those planning to live in Pashtun-speaking areas, speaking Pashto facilitates daily life, integration, and participation in local community activities.
  • Networking and Social Opportunities
    • Networking: Knowing Pashto can expand your professional and social network, connecting you with Pashtun-speaking communities and professionals worldwide.
    • Diaspora Connections: Pashto is spoken by expatriates and their descendants in countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, and various Gulf countries, providing opportunities to connect with Pashtun-speaking communities abroad.
  • Educational Advantages
    • Academic Opportunities: Understanding Pashto can open doors to academic opportunities, scholarships, and research collaborations, particularly in fields related to South Asian studies, linguistics, and anthropology.
  • Access to Media and Entertainment
    • Media Consumption: Understanding Pashto allows you to enjoy a wide range of Pashto-language media, including films, TV shows, music, and literature, providing a broader perspective on global and regional issues.

Overall, learning Pashto enriches personal and professional life while contributing to the appreciation and understanding of the unique cultural and historical context of the Pashtun people.

Communication skills developed while learning Pashto can improve your interpersonal skills in your native language as well. Adding Pashto language skills to your business skills make you a more valuable an employee in the marketplace. Communication skills developed while learning Pashto can improve your interpersonal skills in your native language as well. Learning about another culture enables you to gain a more profound understanding of your own culture.

How Long Does it Take to Learn Pashto?

The time it takes to learn Pashto can vary widely depending on several factors, such as prior language experience, the amount of time dedicated to study, and the learning methods employed. Here are some general guidelines to give you an idea of the time investment required:

  • Factors Influencing Learning Time
    • Prior Language Experience: Familiarity with other Indo-Iranian languages, such as Persian (Farsi/Dari) or Urdu, can significantly reduce the learning time due to structural similarities and shared vocabulary.
    • Learning Intensity: Intensive study, including immersion in a Pashto-speaking environment or intensive language courses, can accelerate learning.
    • Learning Methods: A combination of formal classes, self-study, language exchange, and regular practice with native speakers tends to be most effective.
    • Language Aptitude: Individual aptitude for learning languages can greatly influence the duration of the learning process.
  • General Time Estimates
    • Basic Proficiency: Achieving basic conversational skills typically takes around 6-12 months with consistent study (approximately 5-10 hours per week). This includes being able to handle everyday conversations and basic reading and writing tasks.
    • Intermediate Proficiency: Reaching an intermediate level, where you can hold more complex conversations, understand a broader range of topics, and read and write more confidently, might take 1-2 years of dedicated study.
    • Advanced Proficiency: Attaining advanced proficiency, which includes the ability to read and write complex texts, understand nuanced speech, and engage in professional or academic discussions, could take 2-3 years or more, depending on the intensity and consistency of study and practice.
  • Structured Learning Programs
    • Formal Language Courses: Universities and language institutes may offer structured programs that can range from a few months to several years, often including opportunities for immersion and cultural experiences.
    • Self-Study Programs: Online courses, textbooks, language learning apps, and other resources can provide flexible but less structured learning paths.
  • Immersion and Practice
    • Living in a Pashto-Speaking Environment: Immersion in a Pashto-speaking environment, such as living in Afghanistan or Pakistan or within a Pashto-speaking community, can significantly accelerate the learning process.
    • Language Exchange: Regular practice with native speakers through language exchange programs or conversation partners enhances language acquisition and retention.

The journey to learning Pashto is unique for each individual. While basic conversational skills can be achieved within several months, reaching higher levels of proficiency requires sustained effort and practice over several years. The key to success lies in consistent study, immersion, and regular practice with native speakers.

Pashto Alphabet & Pronunciation

The Pashto writing system uses a modified version of the Arabic script. It consists of 44 letters, including additional characters to accommodate Pashto's unique sounds. The script is written from right to left, and it includes several diacritics to indicate short vowels, which are typically not written in most texts. Pashto also features unique characters such as “څ” (ts), “ډ” (ḍ), and “ښ” (kh) that are not found in standard Arabic. Understanding the Pashto script involves learning these extra letters and their associated sounds.

(gərda he)
(kajīra he)
(klaka ye)
(pasta ye)
(nārīna ye)
(x̌əźīna ye)
(fāiliya ye)

Basic Phrases in Pashto

Helloسلام (slɒm)
Goodbyeخداى پامان (xdɒ pɒmɒn)
Yesهو (hw)
Noنه (nh)
Excuse meبخښنه غواړم (bxʂnh ɣwɒɺ̢m)
Pleaseمهرباني وکړه (mhbɒnj wkɺ̢h)
Thank youمننه (mnnh)
You are welcomeتاسو ښه راغلاست (tɒsw ʂh ɒɣlɒst)
Do you speak englishتاسو انګرېزي خبرې کولای شی؟ (tɒsw ɒnɡezj xbe kwlɒai ʃai)
Do you understandایا تاسو پوهېږی؟ (ɒaiɒ tɒsw pwheʐai)
I understandزه پوهیږم (zh pwhaiʐm)
I do not understandزه نه پوهیږم (zh nh pwhaiʐm)
How are youته څنګه یاست؟ (th snɡh aiɒst)
Fine thanksښه مننه! (ʂh mnnh)
What is your nameستا نوم څه دی؟ (stɒ nwm sh dai)
My name isزما نوم دي (zmɒ nwm dj)
Pleased to meet youستاسې په لېدو خوښ شوم (stɒse ph ledw xwʂ ʃwm)

Pashto Grammar

Pashto Nouns

Girlیوه نجلۍ (aiwh nd͡ʒləi)

Pashto Adjectives

Colors in Pashto

Blackتور (tw)
Whiteسپین (spain)
Redسور (sw)
Orangeنارنج (nɒnd͡ʒ)
Yellowژیړ (ʒaiɺ̢)
Greenشین (ʃain)
Blueآبي (bj)
Purpleارغواني (ɒɣwɒnj)
Pinkګلابي (ɡlɒbj)
Grayخړ (xɺ̢)
Brownنصواري (nswɒj)

Numbers in Pashto

Zeroصفر (sp)
Oneیو (aiw)
Twoدوه (dwh)
Threeدرې (de)
Fourڅلور (slw)
Fiveپنځه (pnzh)
Sixشپږ (ʃpʐ)
Sevenاووه (ɒwwh)
Eightاته (ɒth)
Nineنو (nw)
Tenلس (ls)
Elevenيوولس (jwwls)
Twelveدولس (dwls)
Twentyشل (ʃl)
Thirtyدیرش (daiʃ)
Fortyڅلوېښت (slweʂt)
Fiftyپنځوس (pnzws)
Sixtyشپیته (ʃpaith)
Seventyاویا (ɒwaiɒ)
Eightyاتیا (ɒtaiɒ)
Ninetyنوي (nwj)
Hundredسل (sl)
Thousandزره (zh)

Pashto Verbs

To beاوسیدل (ɒwsaidl)
To haveلرل (ll)
To wantغواړي (ɣwɒɺ̢j)
To needضرورت ته (zwt th)
To helpمرسته کول (msth kwl)
To goتلل (tll)
To comeراتلل (ɒtll)
To eatخوړل (xwɺ̢l)
To drinkڅښل (sʂl)
To speakخبري کول (xbj kwl)

Building Simple Sentences

More Complex Pashto Sentences

Andاو (ɒw)
Orیا (aiɒ)
Butمګر (mɡ)
Becauseځکه (zkh)
Withسره (sh)
Alsoهم (hm)
Howeverپه هرصورت (ph hswt)
Neitherنه (nh)
Norنه (nh)
Ifکه (kh)
Thenبیا (baiɒ)

Useful Pashto Vocabulary

Pashto Questions

Whoڅوک (swk)
Whatڅه (sh)
Whenكله (lh)
Whereچیرته (t͡ʃaith)
Whyولې (wle)
Howڅه ډول (sh ɖwl)
How manyڅومره (swmh)
How muchڅومره (swmh)

Days of the Week in Pashto

Mondayدوشنبه (dwʃnbh)
Tuesdayسه شنبه (sh ʃnbh)
Wednesdayچهارشنبه (t͡ʃhɒʃnbh)
Thursdayپنجشنبه (pnd͡ʒʃnbh)
Fridayجمعه (d͡ʒmɑh)
Saturdayشنبه (ʃnbh)
Sundayیک شنبه (aik ʃnbh)
Yesterdayپرون (pwn)
Todayنن (nn)
Tomorrowسبا (sbɒ)

Months in Pashto

Januaryجنوري (d͡ʒnwj)
Februaryفبروري (pbwj)
Marchمارچ (mɒt͡ʃ)
Aprilاپریل (ɒpail)
Mayمۍ (məi)
Juneجون (d͡ʒwn)
Julyجولای (d͡ʒwlɒai)
Augustاګست (ɒɡst)
Septemberسپتمبر (sptmb)
Octoberاکتوبر (ɒktwb)
Novemberنومبر (nwmb)
Decemberدسمبر (dsmb)

Seasons in Pashto

Winterژمی (ʒmai)
Springپسرلی (pslai)
Summerدوبی (dwbai)
Autumnمنی (mnai)

Telling Time in Pashto

What time is itاوس څه وخت دې؟ (ɒws sh wxt de)
Hoursساعته (sɒɑth)
Minutesدقیقې (dqaiqe)
Secondsثانیې (sɒnaie)
O clockماښام (mɒʂɒm)
Halfنیم (naim)
Quarter pastپاو باندې (pɒw bɒnde)
Beforeمخکې (mxke)
Afterوروسته (wwsth)