Why Learn Slovenian?
International travel is made easier and more pleasant when you know Slovenian. You are at a distinct advantage in the global market if you are bilingual. Acquiring a second language can improve your skills and grades in math and English. You can participate more effectively and responsibly in a multi-cultural world if you know Slovenian
How Long Does it Take to Learn Slovenian?
Slovenian is rated as a category 3 language by the Foreign Service Institute. It is considered moderately difficult for English speakers to learn and takes an average of 44 weeks (or 1100 class hours) to gain professional working proficiency.
Slovenian Alphabet & Pronunciation
A a
B b
C c
Č č
D d
E e
F f
G g
H h
I i
J j
K k
L l
M m
N n
O o
P p
R r
S s
Š š
T t
U u
V v
Z z
Ž ž
Basic Phrases in Slovenian
Hello | Zdravo |
Goodbye | Zbogom |
Yes | Da |
No | št |
Excuse me | Oprostite |
Please | Prosim |
Thank you | Hvala vam |
You are welcome | Ni za kaj |
Do you speak english | Govoriš angleško? |
Do you understand | Ali razumeš? |
I understand | Razumem |
I do not understand | Ne razumem |
How are you | Kako si? |
Fine thanks | Dobro, hvala! |
What is your name | Kako ti je ime? |
My name is | Ime mi je |
Pleased to meet you | Me veseli, da sva se spoznala |
Slovenian Grammar
Slovenian Nouns
Man | človek |
Woman | ženska |
Boy | Fant |
Girl | Dekle |
Cat | Mačka |
Dog | Pes |
Fish | Ribe |
Water | Voda |
Milk | Mleko |
Egg | Jajce |
House | Hišo |
Flower | Cvet |
Tree | Drevo |
Shirt | Majica |
Pants | Hlače |
Slovenian Adjectives
Colors in Slovenian
Black | Črna |
White | Bela |
Red | Rdeča |
Orange | Oranžna |
Yellow | Rumena |
Green | Zelena |
Blue | Modro |
Purple | Vijolična |
Pink | Roza |
Gray | Siva |
Brown | Rjav |
Numbers in Slovenian
Zero | Nič |
One | Eno |
Two | Dva |
Three | Tri |
Four | Štiri |
Five | Pet |
Six | Šest |
Seven | Sedem |
Eight | Osem |
Nine | Devet |
Ten | Deset |
Eleven | Enajst |
Twelve | Dvanajst |
Twenty | Dvajset |
Thirty | Trideset |
Forty | Štirideset |
Fifty | Petdeset |
Sixty | šestdeset |
Seventy | Sedemdeset |
Eighty | Osemdeset |
Ninety | Devetdeset |
Hundred | Sto |
Thousand | Tisoč |
Slovenian Verbs
To be | Biti |
To have | Imeti |
To want | želeti |
To need | Da potrebujejo |
To help | Pomagati |
To go | Iti |
To come | Priti |
To eat | Jesti |
To drink | Piti |
To speak | Govoriti |
Building Simple Sentences
More Complex Slovenian Sentences
And | In (v) |
Or | Ali |
But | Ampak |
Because | Ker |
With | S |
Also | Tudi |
However | Vendar |
Neither | Niti enega |
Nor | Niti |
If | če |
Then | Torej |
Useful Slovenian Vocabulary
Slovenian Questions
Who | Kdo |
What | Kaj |
When | Kdaj |
Where | Kje |
Why | Zakaj |
How | Kako |
How many | Koliko |
How much | Koliko |
Days of the Week in Slovenian
Monday | Ponedeljek |
Tuesday | Torek |
Wednesday | Sreda |
Thursday | Četrtek |
Friday | Petek |
Saturday | Sobota |
Sunday | Nedelja |
Yesterday | Včeraj |
Today | Danes |
Tomorrow | Jutri |
Months in Slovenian
January | Januarja |
February | Februarja |
March | Marec |
April | April |
May | Maj |
June | Junij |
July | Julija |
August | Avgusta |
September | Septembra |
October | Oktober |
November | Novembra (v) |
December | December |
Seasons in Slovenian
Winter | Pozimi |
Spring | Pomlad |
Summer | Poletje |
Autumn | Jesen |
Telling Time in Slovenian
What time is it | Koliko je ura? |
Hours | Ure |
Minutes | Minut |
Seconds | Sekund |
O clock | Uri |
Half | Pol |
Quarter past | četrt čez |
Before | Prej |
After | Po |