Bulgarian (български/bălgarski)

travel phpto to inspire Bulgarian language study
Girls celebrating Lazaruvane from Gabrа, Sofia Province by Пакко - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0


Bulgarian, a South Slavic language, stands out for its unique position within the Slavic language family. One of the most interesting aspects of Bulgarian is its relatively simplified grammar compared to other Slavic languages. Unlike most Slavic languages, Bulgarian has almost entirely lost its case system, relying instead on word order and prepositions to convey grammatical relationships. This makes Bulgarian easier to learn in terms of grammar but still richly expressive. Additionally, Bulgarian has a developed system of verb aspects and tenses, including a rich array of past tenses, which allow speakers to convey nuanced aspects of time and action.

Another unique feature of Bulgarian is its use of the Cyrillic alphabet, which it shares with several other languages in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. However, the Bulgarian version of the Cyrillic alphabet has a few unique characteristics and adaptations. Bulgarian is spoken by about 9 million people, primarily in Bulgaria, where it is the official language. It is also spoken by Bulgarian communities in neighboring countries such as Serbia, Greece, and Romania, as well as by the Bulgarian diaspora worldwide, particularly in countries like the United States, Canada, and Germany. Learning Bulgarian offers insights into the rich cultural and historical heritage of Bulgaria, including its contributions to Orthodox Christianity, folklore, and the Cyrillic script's development.

Why Learn Bulgarian?

International travel is made easier and more pleasant when you know Bulgarian. Understanding Bulgarian enhances your opportunities in government, business, medicine, law, technology, military, industry, marketing, etc. Communication skills developed while learning Bulgarian can improve your interpersonal skills in your native language as well. Bulgarian expand one's world view and limit the barriers between people: barriers cause distrust and fear.

Learning Bulgarian offers numerous benefits across cultural, professional, and personal domains. Here are some key advantages:

  • Cultural Understanding
    • Cultural Enrichment: Bulgarian provides access to Bulgaria’s rich cultural heritage, including its folklore, music, literature, and traditional customs. Understanding the language allows for a deeper appreciation of Bulgaria’s history and artistic expressions, such as the works of notable writers like Ivan Vazov and the unique vocal traditions of Bulgarian folk music.
    • Historical Insight: Learning Bulgarian offers insights into the history of the Balkan region, including Bulgaria’s role in the spread of Orthodox Christianity and the development of the Cyrillic script. This includes understanding the country’s medieval history and its influence on Eastern European culture.
  • Professional Opportunities
    • Business and Trade: Bulgaria is an emerging market within the European Union, with growing opportunities in various sectors, including technology, tourism, and agriculture. Proficiency in Bulgarian can enhance career prospects and facilitate business dealings within the region.
    • International Relations: For professionals working in international organizations, NGOs, or diplomacy, knowledge of Bulgarian can be valuable for engaging with local communities and understanding regional dynamics in the Balkans.
  • Personal Growth
    • Cognitive Benefits: Learning a new language improves cognitive functions, enhances memory, and boosts problem-solving skills. Bulgarian, with its unique grammatical structure and use of the Cyrillic alphabet, provides a stimulating mental exercise.
    • Language Diversity: Adding Bulgarian to your linguistic repertoire enhances your understanding of the Slavic language family and the broader diversity of human languages.
  • Social and Community Engagement
    • Connection with Locals: Speaking Bulgarian enables deeper connections with native speakers, fostering a sense of community and mutual respect. This is particularly valuable for anyone living in or frequently visiting Bulgaria.
    • Cultural Exchange: Knowledge of Bulgarian facilitates cultural exchange and dialogue, promoting greater understanding and appreciation between different cultural groups.
  • Travel and Living Abroad
    • Travel: Learning Bulgarian makes traveling in Bulgaria and neighboring countries more enjoyable and immersive, allowing for more meaningful interactions with locals and a deeper appreciation of their culture and landscapes.
    • Living in Bulgarian-Speaking Communities: For expatriates or those planning to live in Bulgaria, speaking Bulgarian facilitates daily life, integration, and participation in local community activities.
  • Networking and Social Opportunities
    • Networking: Knowing Bulgarian can expand your professional and social network, connecting you with Bulgarian-speaking communities and professionals worldwide.
    • Diaspora Connections: Bulgarian is spoken by expatriates and their descendants in various countries, providing opportunities to connect with Bulgarian-speaking communities abroad.
  • Educational Advantages
    • Academic Opportunities: Understanding Bulgarian can open doors to academic opportunities, scholarships, and research collaborations, particularly in fields related to Balkan studies, linguistics, and history.
  • Access to Media and Entertainment
    • Media Consumption: Understanding Bulgarian allows you to enjoy a wide range of Bulgarian-language media, including films, TV shows, music, and literature, providing a broader perspective on global and regional issues.

Overall, learning Bulgarian enriches personal and professional life while contributing to the appreciation and understanding of the rich cultural and historical context of Bulgaria.

How Long Does it Take to Learn Bulgarian?

The time it takes to learn Bulgarian can vary widely depending on several factors, such as prior language experience, the amount of time dedicated to study, and the learning methods employed. Here are some general guidelines to give you an idea of the time investment required:

  • Factors Influencing Learning Time
    • Prior Language Experience: Familiarity with other Slavic languages, such as Russian or Serbian, can reduce the learning time due to structural similarities and shared vocabulary. Additionally, knowledge of languages using the Cyrillic script can aid in reading and writing Bulgarian.
    • Learning Intensity: Intensive study, including immersion in a Bulgarian-speaking environment or intensive language courses, can accelerate learning.
    • Learning Methods: A combination of formal classes, self-study, language exchange, and regular practice with native speakers tends to be most effective.
    • Language Aptitude: Individual aptitude for learning languages, especially related to grasping grammar and vocabulary, can greatly influence the duration of the learning process.
  • General Time Estimates
    • Basic Proficiency: Achieving basic conversational skills typically takes around 6-12 months with consistent study (approximately 5-10 hours per week). This level includes being able to handle everyday conversations, basic reading, and writing tasks.
    • Intermediate Proficiency: Reaching an intermediate level, where you can hold more complex conversations, understand a broader range of topics, and read and write more confidently, might take 1-2 years of dedicated study.
    • Advanced Proficiency: Attaining advanced proficiency, which includes the ability to read and write complex texts, understand nuanced speech, and engage in professional or academic discussions, could take 2-3 years or more, depending on the intensity and consistency of study and practice.
  • Structured Learning Programs
    • Formal Language Courses: Universities and language institutes may offer structured programs that can range from a few months to several years, often including opportunities for immersion and cultural experiences.
    • Self-Study Programs: Online courses, textbooks, language learning apps, and other resources can provide flexible but less structured learning paths.
  • Immersion and Practice
    • Living in a Bulgarian-Speaking Environment: Immersion in a Bulgarian-speaking environment, such as living in Bulgaria, can significantly accelerate the learning process.
    • Language Exchange: Regular practice with native speakers through language exchange programs or conversation partners enhances language acquisition and retention.

The journey to learning Bulgarian is unique for each individual. While basic conversational skills can be achieved within several months, reaching higher levels of proficiency requires sustained effort and practice over several years. The key to success lies in consistent study, immersion, and regular practice with native speakers.

Bulgarian Alphabet & Pronunciation

The Bulgarian writing system uses the Cyrillic alphabet, consisting of 30 letters. It is written from left to right. The alphabet includes some unique characters and adaptations specific to the Bulgarian language, which distinguish it from other languages using Cyrillic script. The system is largely phonetic, meaning words are generally spelled as they are pronounced.

А а
Б б
В в
Г г
Д д
Е е
Ж ж
З з
И и
Й й
К к
Л л
М м
Н н
О о
П п
Р р
С с
Т т
У у
Ф ф
Х х
Ц ц
Ч ч
Ш ш
Щ щ
Ъ ъ
Ю ю
Я я

Basic Phrases in Bulgarian

Helloздравей (zdraveĭ)
GoodbyeДовиждане (Dovizhdane)
Yesда (da)
Noне (ne)
Excuse meИзвинете ме (Izvinete me)
PleaseМоля те (Molya te)
Thank youБлагодаря ти (Blagodarya ti)
You are welcomeМоля (Molya)
Do you speak englishГовориш ли английски? (Govorish li angliĭski?)
Do you understandРазбираш ли? (Razbirash li?)
I understandразбирам (razbiram)
I do not understandне разбирам (ne razbiram)
How are youКак сте? (Kak ste?)
Fine thanksДобре благодаря! (Dobre blagodarya!)
What is your nameКак се казваш? (Kak se kazvash?)
My name isМоето име е (Moeto ime e)
Pleased to meet youПриятно ми е да се запознаем (Priyatno mi e da se zapoznaem)

Bulgarian Grammar

Bulgarian Nouns

Manмъж (mŭzh)
Womanжена (zhena)
Boyмомче (momche)
Girlмомиче (momiche)
Catкотка (kotka)
Dogкуче (kuche)
Fishриба (riba)
Waterвода (voda)
Milkмляко (mlyako)
Eggяйце (yaĭtse)
Houseкъща (kŭshta)
Flowerцвете (tsvete)
Treeдърво (dŭrvo)
Shirtриза (riza)
Pantsпанталони (pantaloni)

Bulgarian Adjectives

Colors in Bulgarian

Blackчерно (cherno)
Whiteбял (byal)
Redчервен (cherven)
Orangeоранжев (oranzhev)
Yellowжълт (zhŭlt)
Greenзелен (zelen)
Blueсин (sin)
Purpleлилаво (lilavo)
Pinkрозов (rozov)
Grayсив (siv)
Brownкафяв (kafyav)

Numbers in Bulgarian

Zeroнула (nula)
Oneедин (edin)
Twoдве (dve)
Threeтри (tri)
Fourчетири (chetiri)
Fiveпет (pet)
Sixшест (shest)
Sevenседем (sedem)
Eightосем (osem)
Nineдевет (devet)
Tenдесет (deset)
Elevenединадесет (edinadeset)
Twelveдванадесет (dvanadeset)
Twentyдвадесет (dvadeset)
Thirtyтридесет (trideset)
Fortyчетиридесет (chetirideset)
Fiftyпетдесет (petdeset)
Sixtyшейсет (sheĭset)
Seventyседемдесет (sedemdeset)
Eightyосемдесет (osemdeset)
Ninetyдеветдесет (devetdeset)
Hundredсто (sto)
Thousandхиляда (khilyada)

Bulgarian Verbs

To beда бъде (da bŭde)
To haveимам (imam)
To wantда искам (da iskam)
To needда има нужда (da ima nuzhda)
To helpда помогна (da pomogna)
To goда отида (da otida)
To comeда дойде (da doĭde)
To eatда ям (da yam)
To drinkда пия (da piya)
To speakда говоря (da govorya)

Building Simple Sentences

More Complex Bulgarian Sentences

Andи (i)
Orили (ili)
Butно (no)
Becauseзащото (zashtoto)
Withс (s)
Alsoсъщо (sŭshto)
Howeverвъпреки това (vŭpreki tova)
Neitherнито едно (nito edno)
Norнито (nito)
Ifако (ako)
Thenтогава (togava)

Useful Bulgarian Vocabulary

Bulgarian Questions

WhoКой (Koĭ)
WhatКакво (Kakvo)
Whenкога (koga)
Whereкъдето (kŭdeto)
Whyзащо (zashto)
Howкак (kak)
How manyколко (kolko)
How muchколко (kolko)

Days of the Week in Bulgarian

Mondayпонеделник (ponedelnik)
Tuesdayвторник (vtornik)
Wednesdayсряда (sryada)
Thursdayчетвъртък (chetvŭrtŭk)
Fridayпетък (petŭk)
Saturdayсъбота (sŭbota)
Sundayнеделя (nedelya)
Yesterdayвчера (vchera)
Todayднес (dnes)
Tomorrowутре (utre)

Months in Bulgarian

Januaryянуари (yanuari)
Februaryфевруари (fevruari)
MarchМарт (Mart)
Aprilаприл (april)
MayМоже (Mozhe)
Juneюни (yuni)
JulyЮли (Yuli)
Augustавгуст (avgust)
SeptemberСептември (Septemvri)
Octoberоктомври (oktomvri)
Novemberноември (noemvri)
Decemberдекември (dekemvri)

Seasons in Bulgarian

Winterзима (zima)
Springпружина (pruzhina)
Summerлято (lyato)
Autumnесен (esen)

Telling Time in Bulgarian

What time is itКолко е часът? (Kolko e chasŭt?)
Hoursчаса (chasa)
Minutesминути (minuti)
Secondsсекунди (sekundi)
O clockчаса (chasa)
Halfнаполовина (napolovina)
Quarter pastчетвърт миналото (chetvŭrt minaloto)
Beforeпреди (predi)
Afterслед (sled)