Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt)

travel phpto to inspire Vietnamese language study
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash


Vietnamese is a fascinating and unique language primarily due to its tonal nature and its use of the Latin alphabet with diacritical marks. As a tonal language, Vietnamese has six distinct tones, each of which can change the meaning of a word entirely, making pronunciation crucial. This tonal aspect gives Vietnamese a musical quality, but it also adds complexity to learning and speaking the language. Vietnamese is the only major East Asian language that uses the Latin alphabet, a result of French colonial influence, combined with its own system of diacritical marks to indicate tones and specific vowel sounds. This writing system, known as Quốc Ngữ, makes Vietnamese relatively accessible to learners familiar with the Latin script.

Vietnamese is spoken by over 90 million people, primarily in Vietnam, where it is the official language. It is also spoken by significant Vietnamese diaspora communities in countries like the United States, Australia, Canada, and France. These communities have preserved their language and cultural heritage, often through community organizations, schools, and media. Additionally, Vietnamese has a rich literary tradition and is deeply connected to the cultural and historical identity of Vietnam, with influences from Chinese, French, and other languages throughout its history. Learning Vietnamese offers a gateway to understanding the country's complex history, diverse culture, and the resilience of its people, while also connecting with the vibrant global Vietnamese community.

Why Learn Vietnamese?

Learning Vietnamese offers several benefits across cultural, professional, and personal domains. Here are some key advantages:

  • Cultural Understanding
    • Cultural Enrichment: Vietnamese is the key to accessing Vietnam's rich cultural heritage, including its literature, music, and traditional practices. Understanding the language allows you to engage more deeply with Vietnam's history, art, and unique customs, from its vibrant festivals to its renowned cuisine.
    • Connection with Locals: Speaking Vietnamese enables you to build stronger relationships with native speakers, whether in Vietnam or in Vietnamese communities around the world. This enhances travel experiences, fosters meaningful interactions, and helps you integrate more fully into local communities.
  • Professional Opportunities
    • Career Advancement: Proficiency in Vietnamese can enhance career prospects, particularly in fields such as international business, tourism, education, and diplomacy. Vietnam is a rapidly growing economy with significant opportunities in sectors like technology, manufacturing, and agriculture.
    • Business and Trade: Vietnam is an important player in global trade, especially in Southeast Asia. Knowing Vietnamese can facilitate business dealings, help you navigate the local market, and build strong relationships with Vietnamese partners.
  • Personal Growth
    • Cognitive Benefits: Learning a new language improves cognitive functions, enhances memory, and boosts problem-solving skills. Vietnamese, with its tonal nature and unique writing system, offers a stimulating mental challenge that broadens your linguistic capabilities.
    • Language Diversity: Adding Vietnamese to your linguistic repertoire increases your understanding of the Austroasiatic language family and the linguistic diversity of Southeast Asia.
  • Travel and Living Abroad
    • Travel: Learning Vietnamese makes traveling in Vietnam more enjoyable and immersive. It allows you to navigate more effectively, engage with locals, and experience the country's culture in a more authentic and meaningful way.
    • Living in Vietnamese-Speaking Communities: For expatriates or those planning to live in Vietnam or in Vietnamese-speaking communities abroad, speaking the language facilitates daily life, integration, and participation in local community activities.
  • Social and Networking Opportunities
    • Cultural Exchange: Knowledge of Vietnamese fosters cultural exchange and promotes greater understanding and appreciation between different cultural groups, particularly in multicultural settings where Vietnamese communities are present.
    • Diaspora Connections: Vietnamese is spoken by large diaspora communities in countries like the United States, Australia, and France. Learning the language allows you to connect with these communities and participate in cultural activities and events.
  • Educational and Academic Opportunities
    • Academic Opportunities: Understanding Vietnamese can open doors to academic opportunities, scholarships, and research collaborations, particularly in fields related to Southeast Asian studies, linguistics, history, and anthropology.

Overall, learning Vietnamese enriches personal and professional life, offering a deeper connection to the cultural and historical context of Vietnam while providing practical advantages in various global contexts.

International travel is made easier and more pleasant when you know Vietnamese. Adding Vietnamese language skills to your business skills make you a more valuable an employee in the marketplace. Acquiring a second language can improve your skills and grades in math and English. Learning about another culture enables you to gain a more profound understanding of your own culture.

How Long Does it Take to Learn Vietnamese?

The time it takes to learn Vietnamese can vary depending on several factors, such as prior language experience, the intensity of study, and the learning methods used. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Factors Influencing Learning Time
    • Prior Language Experience: If you have experience with tonal languages like Mandarin or Cantonese, you might find it easier to learn Vietnamese, as you will already be familiar with the concept of tones. However, for most learners, the tonal aspect of Vietnamese can be challenging.
    • Learning Intensity: Intensive study, including immersion in a Vietnamese-speaking environment, can significantly accelerate the learning process.
    • Learning Methods: A combination of formal classes, self-study, language exchange, and regular practice with native speakers is the most effective approach.
    • Language Aptitude: Individual aptitude for learning languages can greatly influence the duration of the learning process.
  • General Time Estimates
    • Basic Proficiency: Achieving basic conversational skills in Vietnamese typically takes around 6-12 months with consistent study (approximately 5-10 hours per week). This includes learning basic grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and becoming familiar with the tonal system.
    • Intermediate Proficiency: Reaching an intermediate level, where you can hold more complex conversations, understand a broader range of topics, and read and write with some confidence, might take 1-2 years of dedicated study.
    • Advanced Proficiency: Attaining advanced proficiency, which includes the ability to read and write complex texts, understand nuanced speech, and engage in professional or academic discussions, could take 2-3 years or more, depending on the intensity and consistency of study.
  • Immersion and Practice
    • Living in Vietnam: Immersion in a Vietnamese-speaking environment, such as living in Vietnam, can significantly accelerate the learning process, particularly for listening and speaking skills.
    • Language Exchange: Regular practice with native speakers through language exchange programs or conversation partners enhances language acquisition and retention.

Learning Vietnamese is a rewarding experience that requires consistent effort. While basic proficiency can be achieved within several months, reaching higher levels of fluency may take a few years of sustained study and practice. Immersion, regular practice with native speakers, and a commitment to learning are key to achieving proficiency in Vietnamese.

Vietnamese Alphabet & Pronunciation

The Vietnamese writing system, called Quốc Ngữ, uses the Latin alphabet with additional diacritical marks to represent tones and specific vowel sounds. It consists of 29 letters, including 12 vowels and 17 consonants. The system is phonetic, meaning words are generally spelled as they are pronounced, with diacritics indicating the six tones that are crucial for correct pronunciation and meaning in Vietnamese.

A a
Ă ă
B b
C c
D d
Đ đ
E e
Ê ê
G g
H h
I i
(i ngắn)
K k
L l
(e lờ)
M m
(em mờ)
N n
(en nờ)
O o
Ô ô
Ơ ơ
P p
Q q
R r
(e rờ)
S s
(ét xì)
T t
U u
Ư ư
V v
X x
(ích xì)
Y y
(y dài)

Basic Phrases in Vietnamese

HelloXin chào
GoodbyeTạm biệt
Excuse meXin lỗi
PleaseXin vui lòng
Thank youCảm ơn bạn
You are welcomeKhông có gì
Do you speak englishBạn có nói tiếng Anh không?
Do you understandBạn hiểu không?
I understandTôi hiểu
I do not understandTôi không hiểu
How are youBạn khỏe không?
Fine thanksTốt cảm ơn!
What is your nameTên của bạn là gì?
My name isTên tôi là
Pleased to meet youHân hạnh được gặp bạn ( )

Vietnamese Grammar

Vietnamese Nouns

ManĐàn ông ( )
Womanđàn bà ( )
BoyCon trai ( )
GirlMột cô gái
CatCon mèo ( )
HouseNhà ở ( )
FlowerBông hoa ( )
Shirtáo sơ mi ( )
PantsQuân dai ( )

Vietnamese Adjectives

Colors in Vietnamese

RedMàu đỏ
OrangeTrái cam
YellowMàu vàng
GreenMàu xanh lá
BlueSắc lam
PurpleMàu tím
GrayMàu xám

Numbers in Vietnamese

ZeroSố không
ElevenMười một
TwelveMười hai
TwentyHai mươi
ThirtyBa mươi
FortyBốn mươi
FiftyNăm mươi
SixtySáu mươi
SeventyBảy mươi
EightyTám mươi
NinetyChín mươi

Vietnamese Verbs

To beđược
To have
To wantMuốn
To needCần
To helpGiúp đỡ
To gođi
To comeđến
To eatăn
To drinkUống
To speakNói

Building Simple Sentences

More Complex Vietnamese Sentences

OrHoặc là
BecauseBởi vì
AlsoCũng thế
HoweverTuy nhiên
NeitherCũng không
NorCũng không
ThenSau đó

Useful Vietnamese Vocabulary

Vietnamese Questions

WhenKhi nào
WhereỞ đâu
WhyTại sao
HowLàm sao
How manyBao nhiêu
How muchBao nhiêu

Days of the Week in Vietnamese

MondayThứ hai
TuesdayThứ ba
WednesdayThứ tư
ThursdayThứ năm
FridayThứ sáu
SaturdayNgày thứ bảy
SundayChủ nhật
YesterdayHôm qua
TodayHôm nay
TomorrowNgày mai

Months in Vietnamese

JanuaryTháng Giêng
FebruaryTháng hai
MarchTháng Ba
AprilTháng tư
MayCó thể
JuneTháng sáu
JulyTháng bảy
AugustTháng Tám
SeptemberTháng Chín
OctoberTháng Mười
NovemberTháng mười một
DecemberTháng chạp

Seasons in Vietnamese

WinterMùa đông
SpringMùa xuân
SummerMùa hè
AutumnMùa thu

Telling Time in Vietnamese

What time is itMấy giờ rồi?
O clockGiờ
HalfMột nửa
Quarter pastQuá khứ